Saturday, October 1, 2011

Big boy

Yesterday was the first day I had to do the pick up for Kedaar. It is generally dad's job to do the drop and pick up.
I am generally not good in remembering roads, so I rely on GPS or cell phone for the routes. Somehow I reached the school on time (using cell as GPS was not working). Did the pick up and then all of a sudden cell lost charge as well :) I kind of know how to get back home but was not super confident.
Then Kedaar got into car and said , mummy, dont worry, I know how to go home. I can give you directions as I see it everyday with daddy. Anyway we started driving back and I get left, right, left, u-turn directions from Kedaar and within few mins, there is Foster landing board on our right. Kedaar suddenly shouted, "mummy, dont go straight, we need to go take one more right and just go around". I know that part and was amazed at how precise he was at remembering each and every turn. When we reached home, Kedaar says "mummy, do you think I am just clever or am I genious" :)

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