Saturday, April 7, 2007

Kedaar's first India trip

[posted by Neeraja]

The albumn below has few photos from our recent India trip.


We came back from our India trip on the evening of March 31st. Our return journey was in Malaysian Airlines through the route Hyd -> Koulalampur -> Los Angeles -> Seattle.
We did not get bassinet for Kedaar on our forward journey to India, however we called earlier and managed to
get bassinet for all the flights in our return trip.This made the journey little easier as Kedaar could get atleat few hours of undisturbed sleep.
One thing I must mention about this trip is the airport hotel we stayed in Singapore while traveling to Hyderbad.
The hotel was excellent and really made our hectic trip little better.

India trip was fun overall though it felt like a very short one. Everybody were so excited to see this little, ever smiling baby.
Kedaar also seemed very happy being sorrounded by so many people who would take care of him. Chandra's sisters kids
Pavan, Padmasri and my brother's son Rutwik, sister's son Sunny played with Kedaar a lot and had lot of fun.
During our stay,we had Satyanarayana Vratham function in Kurnool and an informal "Annaprasana" ( introducing solids) ceremony
in Hyderabad. Generally "Annaprasana" is done in 6th month for boys and is done by mother's brother.
We wanted to do it atleast informally for Kedaar when were in India though he is in his 5th month as my brother would be there.
Both functions went on smoothly and lot of relatives joined us for the functions.

Kedaar appeared to be extremely tired in this trip after long journeys and also in coping up with the excessive heat in India.He had jetlag for 3 days after we went there and just kept on sleeping all the time. Later he got severe rashes through out his body. He had little bit of cradle cap (redness on scalp) before we left for India. The doctor here suggested to use cetaphil cleanser, moisturizer for him instead of soaps. Luckily I carried everything to India.I also took all his clothes from here, but we did not use a single one of them in India :)
We had to buy some cotton summer clothes for him and he appeared like a totally different boy in those clothes.
We bought some traditional dresses for him in India that he could wear once he starts walking.3 weeks just flew by, we felt very sad to come back to Seattle all alone.Grand parents from both sides were also very sad to leave Kedaar. It was a gloomy time, and we keep missing everyone even after 1 week after coming from India.

We joined Kedaar in a home day care in Issaquah from Monday , April 2nd onwards. THe day care story is an interesting one.
Chandra changed his job to before we left for India. His office is in Seattle downtown now.
So the original day care (Brown Bear educare) we planned in Bellevue was not a very convenient one for dropping Kedaar and picking him up. However we decided to keep him there for a month because we paid 1 month advance.
On sunday night, the brown bear day care people sent a mail saying that they can not keep kedaar for 1 month as they
were not getting one teacher they were expecting to return. It was a shock. Our plan was to join him there from monday and go to our jobs.We did not have any sleep that night. Next day early morning I called one home day care lady Kathy that I got recommendation from my Expedia colleagues. She was absolutely nice and agreed to keep Kedaar immediately . She has 4 kids in the day care, 2 of them are > 2yrs age and one girl (Mirinda) is just 2 weeks older them Kedaar.

Kedaar has done well in his 1st week of day care. He still has jet lag, sleeps all the day and is wake up all the night.
We are trying to get him to routine this weekend.

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