Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Snow & holidays

Seems like the holiday season started much earlier and going on for us. We took off from Nov 9-12th just like that and stayed at home to relax. Then we went to work/school for a week. Again on Nov 22nd, there is a huge snowfall and the whole week is off due to the snow as well as Thanksgiving holidays.
Back to work this week after long break. Once more,this is going to last only a week because the trip to Cancun is coming soooon (we will leave on Dec 4th and back on 15th)

Kedaar saying some telugu slokas

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Recently I and a couple of Kedaar's friends moms were talking about how the kids are doing at school. Everyone's feeling is that kids are not enouraged/stretched enough whether it is in reading or math and hence we were thinking whether to change school/join Kumon etc.

I also started to worry about Kedaar not showing too much interest in either reading or writing. Then to my surprise, all of a sudden, kedaar started telling spelling for 3 letter words and spellings for some straightforward 4 letter ones. . Cat, hat, fix, mom, dad, lamb ... all by himself. Wow, thats a real surprise for me. A great milestone and another milestone for which we didnt have to either try or worry too much (just like his potty training, teething etc)

Monday, November 8, 2010


Many Many Happy returns of the day little Kedaar Nandan!